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Freeze branding


Dry Ice is used for Holsteins, reds & beef cattle, with each brand being held on for 35 seconds, while Liquid Nitrogen is strongly recommended for jersey cows, again being left on for 35 seconds.

With a stainless steel rod for the cow to chew only, a relatively less invasive option compared to the electronic probe that other companies use.



Identification for the best way to describe freeze branding.

It enables farmers to identify their cows in the paddock, as well as in their dairy. 

While cows can lose their tags or their necklaces, a cow fails to lose their freeze-brand. With a guarantee, that we will redo any brand that fails to turn out.



Freeze Branding

Beef Services


We have both 3 & 4 inch brands available, with 3-inch being recommended for dairy cows, while 4-inch have been reserved for use on beef cows. Along with the full alphabet for both 3 & 4 inch brands.


Liquid Nitrogen is available Monday to Friday, while Dry-ice branding is available for booking Tuesday to Friday. With a guarantee to redo brands for free if they fail to turn out.

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